Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Right

Here’s a sad fact, just go to any playground or school yard in town and you will see more overweight kids than at any other time in history. Childhood obesity is growing in alarming rates. Since 1980, obesity has more than doubled in children ages 2 to 5 and tripled in children ages 6 to 11. The “cure” for childhood obesity rests with the parents.  The US Surgeon General office proclaimed that when parents eat well and exercise regularly the odds are their kids will too. Parents, you need to be role models for their children. You need to walk the walk and talk the talk!

Here are 5 tips to get you started:

1.       Stock your kitchen with lots of delicious healthy treats and snacks – such as: frozen grapes, whole grain crackers, air popped popcorn.
2.       Get your kids involved with how food is prepared and served in your home – shop, cook and plan with them.
3.       Eat as a family so your kids can see you eating whole healthy foods.
4.       Plan family exercise time- a bike ride on Sundays, everybody walks the dog after dinner, once a month you all wash your car by hand
5.       Limit TV and computer time and emphasize active activities

Until next time,

Dr. Sheila

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