Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Balance Takes Action!

Have you ever watched kids on a teeter-totter or as we called it when I was growing up a see-saw? If one kid is bigger than the other what happens to the teetering and tottering?  Not much, right? But when the kids are of about equal size then the fun starts! They rock up and down with ease. But… what happens when they want to get off? They need to find their balance and finding that perfect sweet spot can take work. Such it is in life. Seeking and reaching balance are worthy causes.  However, as we all know balance doesn’t come easily.

To create a balanced life, to create a balanced relationship with food, takes effort.  In creating balance it is important to take into consideration all factors that are relevant to you. Sure you could go on a stringent diet and refuse all social invitations and ignore signs of physical hunger, but is that balanced? Or, you could abandon everything, dine out for breakfast, lunch and dinner but is that balanced? 

As you contemplate your next diet, weight loss strategy or other life goal look at your whole life and ask yourself what would you have to be or do to reach your goal while still taking into account the other factors that are important to you? Strive for balance. It might take some effort but in the end I believe you will be more satisfied with the results.

Until next time,

Dr. Sheila

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