Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Getting Enough Sleep Can Help Manage Your Food

If you have ever gone to an Overeaters Anonymous (OA) meeting in your efforts to gain control over your eating, you may have heard the acronym HALT which stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely Tired. OA teaches the importance of recognizing these states of being and how to best respond to them, and I agree. In my books, I talk about the ”H” (hungry) and its role in physical and emotional hunger. In this blog, I want to address the ”T” (tiredness). Many people eat when they are tired because they are looking for a burst of energy, something that will get them through the rest of the day.

In my book The Best Diet Begins in Your Mind –Eliminate the Eight Emotional Obstacles to Permanent Weight Loss, I identify eight emotions over which people eat. Tiredness is not listed among them. I was once asked why not? The answer is simply that being tired is not an emotion. It is a physical need which needs a physical response.

So what should you do when you are tired? The answer is sleep! But what if sleep eludes you? That’s where the practice of sleep hygiene comes in. Sleep hygiene tells us what to do to get goodnight’s sleep. Here are some suggestions:

1.       Keep your bedroom as dark as possible.  Use blackout shades or a sleeping mask to block any extraneous light.

2.       Set a sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time 365 days a year.

3.       Avoid caffeine and nicotine. These are both stimulants and can interrupt sleep.

4.       Unwind before bed. Turn off the TV, end heavy discussion and quiet your mind.

5.       Avoid the clock. Noting how much or how little sleep you are getting can be counterproductive.

You can find more in my book Self-Fullness: The Art of Loving and Caring for Your ‘Self.’

Until next time,

Dr. Sheila

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