Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Can Psychologists Really Help with Weight Control?

I am happy to report that the answer is a resounding YES!  Psychologists are specialists in helping people make behavioral and lifestyle changes and one area where is that is extremely beneficial is in weight control. In working with a psychologist on this issue you will (1) address your weight loss history and goal; (2) identify negative thought patterns and behaviors that are getting in the way of your achieving your goal; and (3) come up with a treatment plan to help you develop new skills and heal from any underlying issues or problems that may also be playing a role in your weight problem.  In addition if you are struggling with anxiety, depression or another emotional issue, the psychologist will be in a good position to diagnose it and recommend treatment options.

To find a psychologist, go to the American Psychological Association’s website at www.apa.org.

If you prefer to go it alone, my book Do You Use Food to Cope?  is a 15 week program you can do on your own. You can also use it as a blueprint for your work with a psychologist if you choose that route.

Until next time,

Dr. Sheila

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