Tuesday, July 14, 2015

To Get Different Results You Are Going to Have To Do Things Differently!

I’m sure you have heard the famous definition of insanity …” doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results…”  Well, it applies pretty well to most people’s weight loss attempts. They find another diet, another workout video, and other pill and they are sure this time it will work! And they are right for a while…it does…until it doesn’t!

The body you have, the health you have, and how much you weigh are all products of the lifestyle and habits you engage in. In essence we are the sum total of our habits. If you want a different body, better heath or a lower weight you need to establish habits that create and maintain those things. In other words to get different results you are going to have to do things differently!

Make a list of your current habits. Include what, when and how much you typically eat. How much TV you watch or time you spend on the computer. Include your sleeping habits, drinking habits and how you handle stress. Once you made your list really look at t. Ask yourself do these habits take me closer to or move me further away from the things I say I want to have in my life? Then ask yourself what habits would serve me better? Make a list of those habits. Choose one of those new habits and do it consistently for 21 days (that’s the minimum amount of time you need to begin establishing a new habit) and see what happens. After 21 days keep that habit going and add another new one. Before long you will start the new results you are getting from your new way of doing things. Good luck!

Until next time,

Dr. Sheila

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